Hands-On Workshop Tutorials designed for those involved in mineral exploration

In depth walk-throughs of various topics essential for today's geologist or earth scientist. Short courses have been produced to target specific exploration processes in QGIS. UQinME parts 1 to 3 has been superceded by the release of these more detailed and updated short courses. Video workshops are a great way to learn as you can stop - start - rewind and re-listen anytime of the day or night, anywhere in the world.



Grant Boxer

Grant Boxer is a RPGeo and Fellow of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists, member of Geological Society of Australia, the Geological Remote Sensing Group, and the Meteoritical Association. He is a geologist with over 40 years’ experience in exploration and mining geology. Grant is a currently working as a consultant geologist based in Perth, Western Australia. From 1978 until 1997 Grant was employed by CRA Exploration, Argyle Diamonds and Rio Tinto Exploration undertaking exploration and evaluation activities for diamonds and other commodities. Ten years were spent at the Argyle diamond mine carrying out exploration and evaluation programs, feasibility studies and mine development studies for the Argyle and Ellendale diamond deposits and Argyle’s associated alluvial diamond deposits. Since 1998, Grant has been undertaking project generation, primarily for diamonds in Australia and overseas, carrying out GIS data compilations, project reviews, field visits, project management, and drilling and sampling program supervision. Grant has a keen interest in GIS and remote sensing and has been a user of GIS since the mid-1990’s. Grant has been running QGIS courses tailored for geoscientists in association with the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG) and others in Perth and around Australia. He also has a keen interest in meteorite impact structures.